Are my ideas too crazy to share?

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JJ Parker  0:02  
It was a you know what we should do?

Melissa Albers  0:03  

JJ Parker  0:04  
We should totally get Joe Biden on our podcast. Oh, but I don't want it to be like, like a fancy presidential thing. Like we're gonna be wearing like Hawaiian shirts. I was just gonna be. Yeah, I mean,

Melissa Albers  0:17  
like what dogs we could bring the dogs to

JJ Parker  0:19  
sweet. It'd be like a president Hawaiian shirt dog diecast matchup? Do you like this idea? Or do you think?

Melissa Albers  0:25  
I think it's a great idea. Let's do it.

JJ Parker  0:27  
Awesome. I saw a lot of times my crazy ideas get shut down at work, but

Melissa Albers  0:33  
I'm never gonna go.

JJ Parker  0:35  
Let's get on. Let's get on the Crazy Train.

Melissa Albers  0:39  
We want to talk to you today about when are your crazy ideas shareable or not?

JJ Parker  0:47  
Well, my opinion is that they are always shareable. And sometimes they're humorous.

Melissa Albers  0:54  
Exactly. Right.

JJ Parker  0:55  
But I, I experienced this as you probably gather at work. Yeah, one of the things that certainly I bring to the team, is this creativity outside of the box thinking, and sometimes it's really appreciated. Yeah. And sometimes people are like, JJ, we're actually just trying to get something done. Can you just talk a quiet for? Like, yeah, you guys. But what about this other thing?

Melissa Albers  1:26  
And I actually have that in coaching, too. Like, I will be talking with someone who's a real head person, right, very analytical, and they're trying to work out a very, you know, structured business problem. And I may say something completely outlandish just to shake the tree a little bit, because I can tell they're so stuck in something that they're thinking about. And sometimes it goes over really well. And sometimes it does.

JJ Parker  1:50  
Well, one thing that I've learned to do over the years is certainly watch my timing. Yeah, right. Yeah. Watch. Like, is this an appropriate meeting where we're looking for crazy ideas? And different thinking? Or is this the kind of meeting that maybe a bit more tactical, and we're just actually trying to get things? Yeah, done? Is it appropriate for me to engage these ideas at this time? Right? Yeah,

Melissa Albers  2:17  
yeah, I like that. And, you know, the thing that came up for me right away, as we started to talk is younger leaders, especially either in age or in their role, when they're in a meeting with other more senior leaders. There's a huge fear factor in that, right. They may be the ones who have the best, coolest ideas, but they're so afraid of being told no, or looking stupid, that they'll kind of hold that back. And I think it is really just learning to have the courage within yourself to be able to choose timing, and then choose when you can say something.

JJ Parker  2:52  
Yep. And I think there's some really good ways that you can actually tee up your ideas. Yeah, that that position them properly, right. So, again, for me, a lot of times when I'm about to throw out an idea that people might need to warm up to a little bit. I'll actually start with, I wonder, like, I wonder if we couldn't get the President on our podcast, right. So instead of just launching full force into my idea, and 800 other tributaries of my idea, yeah. They just try to start it really simply with a I wonder question.

Melissa Albers  3:32  
Oh, I love that. And, you know, we are in downtown Minneapolis, which is the homeplace of Prince. Right, the famous singer, and prince had a habit of saying this phrase, his phrase was, wouldn't it be cool? If so whenever any of his bandmates or people that were building things with him whenever he would stop and say, wouldn't it be cool if then everyone knew lock in because something's coming?

JJ Parker  3:56  
Yeah, I like that. So if you just kind of have a couple of these phrases that you go to Yes, before you start in on your idea, yeah. helpful to kind of warm up the crowd.

Melissa Albers  4:05  
Yeah. And I always think, too, you're going to regret the things that you didn't say much more than you're going to regret the things that you did say so why not try it out?