What parts of my life am I living in uncomfortably?
What creates stress in my life?
Would I say ‘anxiety’ is a word I would use to describe my emotions?
If yes, did that anxiety start as stress that I simply didn’t know how to cope with, so it grew into anxiety?
What behaviors do I feel myself using when I feel stress or anxiety?
Do I pull away from people when I am stressed?
Do I ‘leak’ energy to others hoping they can make me feel better?How do all of these behaviors impact my current love relationship?
My close friends?
My family?
My job?
My ability to be myself in situations?
Often we suffer larger consequences to not checking in with who we really are. Those larger consequences may include getting passed up for promotions, getting the love interest we wanted, experiencing physical, spiritual, or emotional unwellness. What (if any) larger consequences have I experienced?
Am I willing to, right now, consider a different kind of consequence that I can also create?
List 3 positive consequences I would LOVE to experience in my life as a result of becoming more aware of my own processes?