The process JJ and Melissa offer is simply ONE way I can learn to come back home to myself and feel centered. I will go as I feel guided and use whatever process(s) that make me feel good inside.Most importantly, I notice that I have already started!
The three part process is called Reflect | Remember | Refocus:
REFLECT: This is the first step of the centering process, when I realize that I’ve been triggered and now have a feeling inside that I don’t want or like. I will reflect on that trigger, how it made me feel, and what I was thinking about that made me feel bad. I will observe and not judge myself for any conclusion I come to. I can give myself more time (actually as much time as I need) to have the knee jerk reaction, and then let the emotion die down just a bit before I move on to the next step.
What’s a common trigger and resulting feeling that I’d like to address and reflect on now?
REMEMBER: This is the second step of the centering process, when I remember that my body is a wonderful partner and will inform me about my feelings before my brain does. Without even working at it, my body will cue my feelings easily. As a matter of fact, I realize it always has, and I’m grateful for that as I now have more awareness. Let’s explore some of my body cues:
Where do I feel anger in my body? What does it feel like?
Where do I feel anxiety? What does it feel like?
Where does my body inform me that I am sad?
Where do I feel joy or elation?
Where does my body feel and store sadness or loss?
(I may also remember to ask my body to release any of the pent up emotions it has been storing if I feel guided to do so now. I thank my body for it’s service and support, and offer that it is no longer necessary to hold on to those negative energies. If I don’t feel guided just now – that’s fine, I can check back anytime and for now keep moving forward to part three.)
REFOCUS: This third step is the conclusion of the Coming Home process. I will ask myself if this specific trigger, ensuing feeling and internal process serves me any longer? I will refocus on my feeling in a different way, seeing what it really represented for me, and I will love myself for the messages that I receive. I will honor those feelings as they are real and my feelings are never ever wrong. And I will forgive myself for all of the times I wasn’t able to have the clarity and awareness that I have now, as I know I am always growing and changing into my best self. In this short course, I’ve learned so much about myself! I am grateful for recognizing that I love to feel good and want to feel good as much as possible!