As this lesson is focusing on my primary relationships, I want to evaluate the top 5 relationships in my life. Who are they?
As I observe the relationships, what do they have in common?
How are they different?
Which ones are awesome, and make me feel really good?
Do any of those relationships no longer serve me, or perhaps are even unhealthy – and I’m ready to move on?
Am I choosing loyalty to someone else over loyalty to myself? And how has that served me in the past?
Does it still serve me?
Often we begin in a relationship, outgrow it, but stay because we are too afraid of the pain of change. Yet, we know inside that the longtime pain of staying in an unhappy place FAR outweighs the short pain of leaving to begin again. Are there any relationships in my life that I am ready to move away from?
How would I feel after this change, and would I feel joy from honoring myself first and foremost?