I create my own environment (my own reality) every time. This includes the roles I play, the relationships I am in, and the activities I’m involved in. I’m making a list of 20 things to compare –10 things about my environment that I enjoy, and 10 things that are hard for me, that I wish didn’t exist. (Examples may include: This person makes me feel like X, this meeting always feels like X, I wish I didn’t get a bad vibe about what people are thinking and feeling when I go to X.)
What’s a time in my life, or an activity that I participate in that I feel the most authentic to who I really am?
With this activity in mind, how am I thinking about things, and how do those thoughts make me feel?
Whatever I push out to the world (positive feelings, negative feelings) will come back to me 10x. What is my intention about what I am pushing out?
Whatever I am creating in my life, I will be successful in. How can my awareness help me create an even better environment in my life today?
Reflecting on a major role I participate in today (such as being a spouse, a parent, at a job) what are three things about it that I really like?
What are three things that I really do not like?
What am I doing to influence this outcome (environment) right now?